Geoff Zeidler, immediate past chair of the British Security Industry Association, who leads the Police and Security (PaS) Initiative, discusses the topic of ‘Safe Cities’
The security profession needs the understanding and support from the public to be effective at what it does, writes the Security Institute’s David Thorp
Crowd management is a key aspect of ensuring the smooth running of any stadium-based event. After all, maintaining a positive atmosphere is paramount to retaining fans again and again over time. But how do you get the balance?
Given the continued heightened threat level in place in the UK, when it comes to providing protection against a potential terrorist attack, the ability to effectively secure a crowded place or facility is of great concern and utmost importance.
Stephen Munden, manager of the PSSA’s Verification Scheme, reviews some challenges and changes in Hostile Vehicle Mitigation, including the publication of two International Workshop Agreements
Anthony Rabbitt, Chairman of the training providers section of the British Security Industry Association (BSIA), explores security training courses and how they are aiding counter-terror efforts
Israel has faced unique security challenges since declaring independence in 1948. Noah Shani of the Israeli Embassy in London looks at some recent developments in this area
Security expert Chris Phillips examines our understanding of the UK’s national threat levels, what they mean to us as individuals and the impact they could have on businesses
Two of the Security Institute’s energy industry experts, Chris Phillips FSyI and Mark Lewis FSyI, debate the type of threats energy organisations are vulnerable to